Think before you speak


One of the maternity photos my mom took for us. 🙂

In the early stages of my pregnancy, I was excited to have a baby bump. At the time, I just felt bloated. In my eyes, you couldn’t really tell if I was pregnant or had one too many doughnuts. I was ready to have that cute little baby bump so it was obvious to the world that I have a baby on board.

It took a bit, but by 20 weeks, the baby bump began to make it’s appearance, and I was over the moon. I was still able to fit into most of my prematernity clothes, and I felt comfortable and cute. At 25 weeks, I have noticed a dramatic change in my body. Apparently, other people have as well. And some aren’t afraid to say so. The other day I had someone ask how far along I was. When I told that person, they remarked, “Oh my goodness, you still have a long ways to go yet.” I just smiled and nodded, but something about that comment struck a nerve. I had a doctor’s appointment earlier that week where my belly was measuring at 26 weeks, not 24 weeks. My doctor reassured me that was OK; it could just be the way the little guy is positioned. But after hearing that comment, my pride for the way I look at the moment began to wilt.

The next day, I searched through my closet trying to find a prematernity shirt that may still fit. I know I still have plenty of options, but I was convinced it was all going to be too tight or too short at this point. I opted to wear black with a scarf to make my bump appear a bit smaller.

As I thought more about it throughout the day, I just got angry. I have never disliked the way I look. Over the past few years, I have struggled to lose weight and not loved the number on the scale. But my body is doing something pretty incredible at the moment, and I was excited to flaunt it, until one comment brought me down.

Instead of dwelling on that one comment, and dreading the ones to come, I’m going to focus on the positive. How so many loved ones tell me I’m glowing or the look in Brett’s eyes as he places his hand on my belly and feels our son kick. This is a time I want to look back on and remember fondly. I won’t let it be a time where I’m worried about what people think. I’m sure I’m still going to get annoyed when only maternity clothes fit and wonder if this weight is going to come off after having our little guy. But I’m going to embrace this change, because it’s all for this precious life that we are bringing into the world.

I know I can’t magically make the human populace hold their tongues and only give glowing comments to pregnant ladies, but that doesn’t mean I can’t. I will make sure to tell the next lovely pregnant lady I see that she looks fantastic. She may have heard it a dozen times or hasn’t heard it at all, but I know that at whatever stage she is in, a little reminder that she is still beautiful can be music to the ears.

My Pinterest Obsessions

Like everyone else in the world, I think Pinterest is the bee’s knees. A lot of things I found myself perusing are probably unattainable (immaculately decorated rooms in spectacular houses or a hairstyle that looks fabulous, but is completely beyond my capabilities), but there are also so many useful, helpful and amazing discoveries I have found on Pinterest.

I do not consider myself crafty. At all. I would much rather buy an amazing craft someone else created that I can display in my home. It may cost me more money, but I also avoid the headache and annoyance of failing miserably. But I do like trying new recipes, fun ways to fix my hair, gifts or items for myself, etc. And I want to share the experience I have had with some of my favorite Pinterest finds.

  1. 50 Perfect Ways to Use Ripe Bananas. I love bananas, but I like them when they are still a little green. So when they are yellow with black beginning to show up on the peel, I won’t eat them. My mom has an amazing banana bread recipe that I make a lot. I like to change it up by throwing in chocolate chips, but with the bananas piling up in my freezer, I needed an inventive new way to use them. So far, I have tried the Nutella Banana Oat Muffins, and they were superb. And there are so many other delicious-sounding recipes on here. I can’t wait to try them out!

    These muffins were amazing!

    These muffins were amazing!

  2. Easy Hearty Crockpot Stew. Soups and crockpot meals are the best, especially in winter. I was looking for a stew recipe and gave this one a try. I wound up using too much garlic powder (word to the wise: a little goes a long way), but it was still yummy and provided plenty of leftovers.
  3. Crispy Cheddar Chicken. This has become a mainstay at our house. It’s easy, quick and delectable. We like pairing it with baked potatoes or mashed potatoes, but I’m sure there are plenty of sides this would go great with it.

    Photo courtesy of Jamie Cooks It Up.

    Photo courtesy of Jamie Cooks It Up.

  4. Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings. My sister made this for dinner while we were visiting them earlier this year, and it was scrumptious. I had to try it myself. It’s incredible, and tastes just as good warmed up the next day.
  5. My Pinterest fan board. I’m obsessed with all things “Harry Potter,” “Doctor Who,” books, British television, etc. Pinterest is basically a fangirl’s dream of memes, quotes, memorabilia and even fan-related fashion. My fan board is chock-full of things I consider amazing, and no matter what you are a fan of, I am certain you can find it on Pinterest!

    Just a little taste of my fan board on Pinterest. :)

    Just a little taste of my fan board on Pinterest. 🙂

  6. The Ultimate Fandom Necklace. Speaking of fandoms, I discovered this necklace on Pinterest and had to have it. You can wear all the charms together, or if you are like me, you can wear them one at a time. Whatever suits you. 🙂
  7. First Time Mom Advice: Dos and Dont’s. This post has some fantastic suggestions for first-time moms about pregnancy and how to prepare for a baby. Also, Pinterest has a huge array of posts similar to this about basically any topic. Just do a search or browse around the categories. I bet you will find something that can help you out!

There are so many other things I have discovered on Pinterest that I want to try or have dreamed about purchasing but haven’t yet. And sometimes it’s just fun to scroll through the site and daydream about all the delicious concoctions you can whip up in your immaculate kitchen while wearing a fabulous outfit and an amazing hairdo. Happy pinning!

To my husband

One of my favorite photos from our wedding! Courtesy of Deb Hughes Photography.

One of my favorite photos from our wedding! Courtesy of Deb Hughes Photography.

It’s hard to believe that on this day three years ago, we became husband and wife. There are days when I feel like I have known you my whole life, and then there are days when it seems like just yesterday you caught me as I tripped over my wedding dress as we prepared to leave the altar. Thanks for that by the way. I know I can always count on you to catch me when I fall. Literally.

As far as husbands go, I truly believe you are the best there is. But you are even more than that. You are truly one of the best in humanity I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I still gaze at you in wonder when you selflessly offer to help someone move a couch or willingly give a few dollars to a charity when asked at a restaurant, grocery store, etc. Before you, I probably would have glanced at that poor guy trying to move a couch by himself and go on my merry way. I usually turned down the opportunity to donate $1 to charitable organizations that need assistance. I never thought my little part would make a difference, but you have shown me that it can.

You open the door for others at restaurants and stores, even if they don’t say thank you. You happily help older people with their groceries bags. If you lived in a big city, I know you would be the guy to help an old lady cross the street. That’s just the way you are.

And that’s just the kindness you show to strangers. When it comes to the people (or animals) you love, there is no stopping you. I will never forget the day you ran out of the house with no shirt or shoes on to take our cat to the vet after he got stuck under the recliner. You didn’t think twice about doing whatever it took to make sure he was OK.

After Brett rescued this guy, they have been inseparable!

After Brett rescued this guy, they have been inseparable!

When it comes to me, well let’s say I never imagined I would have a husband like you. A husband who is never embarrassed by anything, who loves to show his affection wherever we go, who will happily pinch my tush if I walk in front of him (even if we are in the grocery store), who whips up some of the best meals I have ever had, who buys me flowers and gifts for no particular reason but to make me smile. But you are more than that. When some minuscule thing is worrying me, it’s like you can read my mind and know what to say or do to help me destress. I can talk to you for hours and it’s never enough time. I can be sprawled out on the couch in sweat pants, messy hair and glasses, and you still tell me I’m beautiful. You care about my opinions, my hopes and my dreams, and you are always encouraging me to pursue whatever my heart desires. Sometimes, it’s like you have more faith and confidence in me than I have in myself.

Three years later and still going on adventures!

Three years later and still going on adventures!

And most of all, you are my better half. We have so many of the same interests, whether it’s snuggling on the couch watching “How I Met Your Mother” or “The Office” for the zillionth time, or finding a new movie to watch in theaters. There is no other person who shares all my goofy passions like you do. And I love you even more for that.

As we embark on this next adventure, I know it’s going to be the most challenging yet. But I also know it’s going to be the most rewarding. Being able to be a parent with you is something I can only dream about right now, but I already know that no one will surpass you as a father, because you have already proven to me each day that you are the best there is and ever will be. And I feel beyond blessed that I get to call you mine.

Happy anniversary, babe. I love you!